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Commodities Report

Alerts & What’s Trending   Produce Adverse weather patterns and seasonal decreases in Mexico, Guatemala, and the U.S. continue to affect these growing regions. Consequently, extended periods of higher market prices and potential shortages in supply are expected. Growers are persisting through the heat by adjusting their harvesting schedules to earlier in the day to ensure a steady supply. The inland valley is facing weather-related challenges due to the high temperatures.   Grain Soybean oil moved down last week, albeit, very little, with increased supply reported and very good crop conditions being reported. Canola moved higher last week as European rapeseed is struggling with drought and Canadian oil is more in demand. Palm exports have increased, but so has palm production.   Dairy Shell egg markets are up this week. California and Northwest markets are up. Farm in Colorado was identified as HPAI positive over the weekend with an expected

Commodities Report

Alerts & What’s Trending   Produce Adverse weather conditions, transitions, and seasonal declines in Mexico, Guatemala, and the U.S. are still impacting various agricultural regions and products. As a result, prolonged periods of elevated market prices and potential supply shortages are anticipated. The weather in the Salinas Valley has returned to normal temperatures, but the inland valleys are still experiencing very hot conditions. Growers have successfully managed the heat by harvesting earlier in the day to maintain supplies, but some challenges may still be ahead.   Grain After the last week’s market move, soybean oil futures moved lower overall, though the week was volatile. The USDA released a report highlighting higher stocks for beans & oil sending the market lower. Canola also received good crop outlook news, so it fell. Palm followed soy lower.   Dairy Shell egg markets are up this week. California and Northwest markets are up. Farm